Thursday, February 10, 2011

adventure on grocery day

So this am ugh the sound of my alarm at 5:30 came way to quickly. Of course after seeing schools close over just the possibility of snow, I figured with the 3 inches we would most definately have a delay,hahaha oh how wrong I was! Continue on to normal morning routine and wake up Angelikah and go get back into my warm bed for a quick half hour extra but NOOOO they horrorid noise from my hubby's alarm clock going off every 5 minutes did not alow it. Seriously how can someone sleep through that noise for an hour and a half??? Well he can every day I am the alarm clock, can I put that on the resume? So I am sitting in my room trying to get the motivation to get moving and I hear a voice outside my window. I am thinking what the heck? So thinking Angelikah had gone outside to play instead of getting ready for school I go out to the living room, which looked like my dryer threw up clothes everywhere, I hear movement in the kitchen so I was like "Who's in the kitchen?" Angelikah comes out "what?" Clearly she was not outside so I was baffled. She goes outside to look acting like dang mom you've done lost your marbles. Turns out Thomas decided to get himself up and dressed and go play outside. He didn't tell anyone, didn't ask and didn't like the talk we had about safety and what could have happened had I not heard the stinker. So everything is kewl and back on track for the day. WHEW!

Everything goes as normal, hubby runs the hot water out, no not for his shower but during is morning toilet trip, then is upset because (I am not his mommy) his clothes weren't laid out for him to wear, because he is in a hurry (see alarm issue above) and doesn't have time to get his own clothes. By now the other 2 boys are up and ready to get into trouble. Joe, the nudist, whips his diaper off and runs around like he has been in a straight jacket all week, and Sam asks to watch tv. So I am like why not turn on some Sprout while I wait for some hot water and then shower. We watch for about 15 minutes before Joe decides he wants some trouble and goes up to the tv(intent to turn it off) he gives me that flirty little I'm too cute for you to get mad look and THEN WINKS AT ME! So anyhoo I get my shower eventually and we are ready to go to the store.

Me: go find your shoes so we can go
boys: screams of glee and jumping(but no shoes)

After an hour of madness trying to locate shoes we are ready to go! Yay! Get to the store, you would think they had never seen food or even a store. After an hour of can you find (item such as ketchup) with Sam and I want this, Can we get that, and many hellos and flirting by the boys I am done. We make our way to the check out- not too busy. Theres a gentleman with a few things so I ask him to go ahead of us. We start unloading, Ya I have a ton of stuff, everything is going great my boys are trying to pick up cougars left and right. Now the checkouts were starting to get backed up and we start getting "the looks" like how dare you buy so much and hold us up. So I give them the "Well I am not the one who didn't pack their lunch look" right back. The bagger insists on helping me out to the van (I hate this courtesy, I am quite capable of getting it on my own, go help some older people). We are done.

Get home and drag in all the groceries and notice I am missing stuff. Ugh. I have to go back toninght or maybe I will have hubby stop on his way home from work-I like that idea! Still trying to get the nap in but everything is put away so I feel accomplished. Thomas is home and reading his dinosaur book. Now Angelikah is home and in a pretty good mood. She is getting chores done, slowly very slowly. Looks like tonight should be a good night. Anyone else have fun grocery adventures or any off the wall adventures today? Please share in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. lmao your life sounds like mine, another day in the jungle and serving a life setance without parole.
